Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Response to Postigo

Postigo, H. (2003). From Pong to Planet Quake: Post-Industrial Transitions From Leisure to Work. Information, Communication & Society, 6(4), 593-607.

This article discusses how many people who participate in online gaming also work on or "mod" these games as a form of entertainment. 

"As one looks over the immense amount of work that generating this content entails, one cannot help but wonder in what other ways all of this skilled labor might be contributing to the value of the games being modded, what motivates individuals to contribute to mods, and what broad social forces position the work of these hobbyists for indirect or direct exploitation." - 596

I would actually prefer this as a model of consumption sometimes. So many things are produced by the same small group of people it would be nice to see other opinions become popular. 

"Rather perhaps information communications technologies have allowed hobby and leisure to become commodities that are massively produced and consumed, a process by which cultural form are created by the masses for the masses." - 605

This quote directly makes me think of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. People post content to these sites and presume that no one can misuse it, but these companies claim ownership over content that you post. 


unwaged work- Work completed for relaxation or a hobby that others get paid to complete.
modders- "Hobbyist groups that develop modifications to commercial games are part of this support network and are generally known on the Internet as modders." - 596

Notes from Class-
Is this the result of a DIY culture? 

Other things that are modded and then reproduced by the original company

*Holga - now sell kits based on Mods.
*Fan Fiction - 50 shades of Grey is Twilight fan fiction

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

movies & tv

Final selection of movies


Jetsons (TV series)


Weird Science
Blade Runner

Smart House (made for TV movie)

Terminator: The Sara Connor Chronicles (TV series)
The Matrix Reloaded

Ex Machina

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Feeding the statue"

Something that I didn't predict was that my compost would compost, even without the lack of equal green rotten parts to dry parts. So I've had to add more to the statue over time. Today I took a time lapse video of me adding additional cardboard and eggs.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Female representation of physical AI and disembodiment in Pop Culture

Film & TV list-
The Jestons - Rosey
Ex Machina - Ava
Her - Samantha
Wall-e - Eva
Halo - Cortana
Matrix - Female Character?
Blade Runner -
Metropolis - Maria
Weird Science
Terminator: Sara Connor Chronicles
Austin Powers - FemBots

Book - Virtual Girl

This article was super helpful in giving me a place to start.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Final elements ready to instal

David finding microorganisms from our compost

My Display descriptions & instructions. mounted on foam board

Empty box, I wrapped it in saran wrap to keep it from getting scratched until sunday night.

Right before the leaves


egg shells


